SOCIOLINGUISTIC : Language, Dialect and Varieties

Language, Dialect and Varieties

Assalamualaikum guys,

Let’s we continue the material of INTRODUCTION OF SOCIOLINGUISTIC.

Now, I get some question and answer of “Language, Dialect and Varieties”.
This is it !!!!!!!!

1.    Why Paper of “Language, Dialect and Varieties”  choose social backround than regional background of language? And what is impact of it?
Answer :
             Language is developing by human necessary. Why  social background can influence a language and make varieties of language? It’s because of every people has different ethnics and every ethnics will develope their language with their levels. So, by that different levels, make so many varieties on language, in dialect, grammar until vocabulary.
             Then, it is also caused of they live in the same environment and same activity that make a new dialect always develope.

2.     The example and main difference regional  and social dialect?
Answer :
             Regional dialect use of different word for referring to young male sucha as boy, loon, loonie, lad or laddie or reffering to young female such as girl, quine,quinie, lass or lassie.
             Socio dialect is black english, for example is delection “they are going” can become “they going” and dog pronounce as the voval of book : dug.

3.    What the differences of language and dialect ?
Answer :
            Language is something that usually we use in daily activity for communicate with people around us. Lannguage is the main, and dialect is the lower part. So its difference by pronounciation, vocabulary, grammar and etc.

Dialect is the way we transfer what we say to other. Level of social dialect based on :
             -     Age
            We can communicate impolite with a child, but we have to communicate of polite language with someone who older than us, such as parents, old sister, old brother, a teacher and others. That’s why levels of dialect based on age of someone.
            -     Environment
            An environment is also  support of social dialect, it’r because we have so many situation, in the school (the way we talk in the class is different with the way we talk at home), in the office (boss and employee) and etc.

4.    How can a language is different with other language
Answer :
             In the past, we can not communicate with people in another land, because there is big ocean and no one of fisherman can sailing to pass the ocean. So every community in every land has their agreement of language by them self to communicate each other, thats why we have so many different language. Its because of agreement  by  themself  in the past.

All languages have many different dialects.  The more areas in which a language is spoken, the more dialects there will be. New words are made ore borrowed from another language. New speakers bring new characteristics to a language. With new characteristic, it will make  many varieties. Variety is a language that has same sounds, words, grammatical features. A form of a language or linguistic expression is Language varieties. That are dialect and accent.

That’s all  the topic of Language, Dialect and Varieties”. Hope you enjoy and  see you in next week guys...............

THANKS !!!!!

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