PROVERB : Semantic banches

I will continue the material about one of branches from SEMANTIC

That are...

Proverb (Pepatah)

You can see my Power Point of Proverb with click link in bellow

a.      Meaning of Proverb
A proverb is most often a phrase or saying that gives advice in obscure way. The phrase usually has a message behind that when first we heard may seem a little ood.

Based on expert definition

`    Mieder has proposed the definition
“a proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable form and which is  handed down from generation to generation.”

`    Miguel de Cervantes
“a proverb is a short sentence based on long experience”

b.      Role of Proverb
The most common role that a proverb plays is to educate. It is as advice in conversation, to educate people on what might happen if they do something.

The other one is to sharing a culture on many works from famous writers in the world. For  example J.R.R. Tolkien in his novel “The Hobbit” and “ The Lord of the rings”.

Not only on a novel or a books but proverbs use in drama and films. For example is Forrest Gump.

c.      Examples of Proverb

Proverbs are not always easy to translate as a literal translation might alter their meanings.  However some english proverbs do have similar meanings.

From English to Indonesian

-          “Actions speak louder than words.”
It means that  what you do is more important than what you say  or It means people can say whatever they want but actually doing something will teach more than just saying it.

-          “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
It means if we eat a fruit we can health so we should not to go to doctor
In Indonesia : Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati

-          “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”
In Indonesian : Cantik itu relatif dan tergantung dengan orang yang memandang

-          “Curiosity killed the cat.”
It means that You might be put yourself in danger if you get too much into people’s business  or  Beware of things that you are too interested to and make you too curious because sometimes it can lead you to problems

-          “Love is blind.”
It means that If you love someone,you cannot see any faults in that person

-          “Money does not grow on trees.”
It means that we must hard work to get something because money does not grow on tree.

-          “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
it means don’t take on more than you can handle.

-          “Good things come in small packages.”
It means that the happiness will come from the little thinngs
In Indonesia : Hal baik datang dalam bentuk atau jumlah yang kecil sehingga kadang kita tidak sadari

From Indonesian to English
-          “Alah bisa  karena biasa
English :  Practice makes perfect

-          “Dimana ada kemauan disitu ada jalan”
English : Where there is a will, there is a way

-          “Dikasih hati minta jantung”
English : Give him an inch and he will take a yard

-          “Rajin pangkal pandai”
English : Presevere and never fear / Dilligence is the mother of good luck

-          “Sepandai pandai tupai meloncat, akhirnya jatuh juga”
English : A good marksman may miss

-          “Berakit rakit kehulu berenang renang kemudian, bersakit sakit dahulu berenang renang kemudian”
English : No pain no gain / No risks, no rewards

-          “Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya”
English : Like father like son


20 komentar:

  1. Mbak asri i boring look your post cause that is like newspaper, So mbak what is the benefit that we learn this materi especially as a techer??

    1. Thanks for your comment fir, but you can open in laptop or pc, it has colour๐Ÿ˜Š
      Proverb give an teacher more polite advice for their student.

  2. Mbak asri i boring look your post cause that is like newspaper, So mbak what is the benefit that we learn this materi especially as a techer??

  3. hy sister,wkwkwkw i can't stop laughing if i open your blog.
    you always make a interesting at the opening.nice job my sister.

    1. Thank you brother..๐Ÿ˜Š
      I dont know why you laugh with this posting, but I'm happy if you are happy..

  4. Can not finde your url aci bur... you can give url.

    1. Hahah
      This is the url of my proverb explanation kak nita

      And it is my new blog

  5. hi ci,you have to arrange that your write and add the ppt.

    1. Thanks for suggestion ica
      I will try in the next post

  6. hi ci,you have to arrange that your write and add the ppt.

  7. Aci, Thank you. You give me new knowledge.

  8. Heyhoo ci. Could you give me the function of we learn proverb in eng department?

    1. Its depend on you de, for what to use this, but usually we learn this to know how choose the sentences that have full of meaning for motivation everyone, students or person around us.

  9. Mbak aci, your Blog is complete, and interesting. And give me new information. Thanks mbak

    1. Thank you fenny..
      I hope you can use proverb in your daily life๐Ÿ˜‚

  10. Mbak aci, your Blog is complete, and interesting. Good job

    1. Thank you kak jo, i hope you can practice to use proverb.๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. waw you show proverb very well and completely, but i suggest you to make some modify in your blog such as colour and style of word it make more better

    1. Thank you ratna,
      i dont know why in celukar doesnt have color, but if you open on laptop or pc it will have color na, cause I use template from internet. ๐Ÿ˜Š


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