SOCIOLINGUISTIC : Code Switching and Code Mixing


What Is Code Switching And Code Mixing?

            Code switching is using a sentence, and change the language directly to a new language. It is changing from one language to another language.

         Code mixing is the combination of two language in one sentence or  using two language when talking to people.

Why people should switching and mixing  language?

          It can cause of many factors, they are :

a.  Situation, (its depend on our situation to using switching or mixing language)

b.    Multillingual  (many people with different language in a forum)

c.      To increase the expression of solidarity,

d.    Sense of humor,

e.  And talking about particular topic in a forum, (then all readers can understand and get a point of our speech)

Borrowing a language

          Borrowing language is a language that borrowed from other languages then become a frozen language in our language. The form of language or word doesnot change.

          What is benefit using code switching and mixing?

1.     It opens up many opportunities for the code - switcher.
2.     It allows the code-switcher to become a cultural connector
3.     Code-switching gives its users a more nuanced and tolerant view of world cultures, as their lives are spent jumping between different context— each one containing different cultural assumptions and expectations. 
4.     A code-switcher, by being fluent in multiple cultures / languages , can access each of those environments without imposing a foreign culture/language. 

     Is it suitable for us use code mixing at school (in daily activity)?

            It is suitable if we use it in our daily activities, but we have to filter every words when we use code mixing. Because there are some words that is impolite for using and hearing.

          Not only that, It can  add our knowledge about two language, we can make a new vocabulary everyday and every time.

That’s for today,,,,

Thank you for reading guyssss... (big hug from me¤¤¤)

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