PROVERB : Semantic branches (2)

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This is the second explanation of material about PROVERB

Additional Material About

What is Proverb ?
Collocation is
a short sentence. Usually  known by many people,  stating  something commonly experienced or giving advice.

What are the latest paper of Proverb?

1.      First Journal

A Study of the Use of Proverbs as a Literary Device in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God

Compiled by            : ALIMI, S. A.
From                          : Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Department of
                                      General Studies (english), Oyo
Review of this         :
            The literary artist’s tool is language. He uses language to describe his character’s appearances, actions, habits, inner feelings and thoughts. This paper examines some proverbs used in the literary texts and their interpretations. The research method or findings in this paper include critical appraisal of the proverbs in the novels, the thorough study of critical writings on Achebe’s works and contacting other critically minded people for more enlightenment on the use of proverbs. The two selected novels viz: Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God.
            The use of proverbs is inevitable because they are highly prized in the traditional African society and are used to portray certain actions or events in picturesque manner. Proverbs are used in the novel novel, Things Fall Apart. While, in the novel arrow god, there are many proverbs, for example "Unless the wind blows, we do not see the fowl's rump".

2.       Second Journal

Proverbs from the Viewpoint of Translation

Compiled by            : Azizollah Dabaghi, Elham Pishbin, Leila Niknasab
From                          : Department of Foreign Languages, Isfahan University,
                                      Isfahan, Iran
Review of this         :
            Many linguistic features seem much less problematic, catching what is going to be transferred through non-linguistic ones. Among those nonlinguistic features, including figurative devices, proverbs are going to be examined in this paper. First some definitions are represented, then proverbs' characteristics and proverbs. Examples of English and Persian proverbs are presented and compared in order to clarify language differences and / or similarities and translating strategies.
            Proverbs are tradition: The traditional nature of proverbs correlates closely with their status as items of folkloric. Another factor that is proven is Trench (1853) . These characteristics are elaborated on briefly (16-17):
1.      Shortness (Brevity)
According to Trench "a proverb must have shortness; it must be succinct, utterable in a Breath. "
2.      Sense
Trench states that the sense is sometimes scarified to alliteration.
3.      Salt
Trench asserts that "a proverb must have salt, that is, besides its good sense it must be in its manner and outward form being pointed and pungent, having a sting in it, a barb which shall not suffer it to drop lightly from the memory ".

3.   Third Journal


Compiled by    : Outi Lauhakangas
Review of this :
     It is based on a research of the functions of proverbs in social interaction. The use of proverbs or proverb-like sayings deals with questions concerning the same themes as in folk narrative research in general: selective memory, reconstruction of experiences, explaining and reasoning about the past, giving instructions and warnings for the future, encouraging or amusing each Other, etc.
     The speech where proverbs are used and its mode of rationality differs from logical and scientific argumentation. The point is in the narrative strength of proverbs in social contexts. Proverbs are multifunctional and flexible instruments of everyday reasoning, although they may maintain solidified attitudes or traditional modes of thought of a certain culture.
     To succeed in defining narrative modes of thought in the use of proverb different theoretical approaches ought to be combined. Unlike analytic thinking, this mode of reasoning requires the ability to make syntheses.

Why learn Proverb?
By using proverb we can give an polite advice for everyone.

Who the expert of Proverb?
-      Achebe (1958).
-      Abrams, M.H (1981)
-      Archer Taylor
-       Lord John Russell
-      Mieder
-      Zolfaghari and Ameri from Persian

Review of Semantic Article (2)

another journal of my friends

1.     Susi Lestari
a.      Title
“Frame semantics a brief introduction”
By Diego Gavagna Aarhus University 2013 

b.     Purpose :
to give a comprehensive explanation on how meanings are structured and associated to words in a semantic structure and how these provide access to our conceptual system, the inventory of structured knowledge that we use to navigate the world.

c.      Content :
This view gives account for relations between words that cannot just be ascribed to structural semantic relations like hyponymy, synonymy orantonymy. Instead, it describes the interdependencies between words based on background knowledge that humans acquire through experience and store in long-term memory.

d.     Result :
The frame is a knowledge system that provides a range of licensed relationships among the attributesdescribing the event-sequence potential of the frame. The human can identify the meaning of the words by they experience or activity in long time memory. Semantic is something that has complicated meaning. The overbalance from tihis journal is the searcher explain with the her experince and give us knowledge about semantic with detail,and the weakness of this journal is the writer not write the problem formulation and hyphotheses.

2.     Annisa septiani
a.      Title :
 “Modern Linguistics Semantics”
by Kate Kearns,Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Canterbury New Zealand
This journal uploaded by Pooja Saikia from

b.     Purpose :
To understand with Semantic in Linguistics that deals with the literal meaning of words and the meaning of the way they are combined, which taken together form the core of meaning,  or the starting point from which the whole meaning of a particular utterance is constructed.

c.      Content :
Denotation and Sense
      There are two most basic ways of giving the meaning of words or longer expressions.The first and most simple way is to present examples of what the word or longer expressions.The first and most simple way is to present examples of what the word denotes.For example, the word cow can be defined by pointing to a cow and saying ‘That is a cow’,or the word blue can be defined by pointing to a blue object and saying ‘That colour is blue.’

Lexical and Structural Meaning
The meaning of a complex expression such as a sentence is composed of  lexical meaning, which is the meaning of the individual words, and structural meaning which is the meaning of  the way the words are combined. Structural meaning mainly comprises the meaning derived from the syntactic structure of an expression.

d.     Result or Conclusion
This journal has been explain about semantic well like explain about meaning of semantics,kind of semantics,lexical and structural maning and etc.perhaps there are little bit hope the reader can more understand about semantics with well.

3.     Nabila Firda
a.      Title :
“Semantics and Theories of Semantics”
Compiled by Abbas Bukhari and uploaded by Zain Ez+1
b.     Purpose :
To know more about about semantics, one of the branches of pure linguistics that is studying meaning in language.
c.      Content :
This journal tells us the difficulties in the study of meaning. There are grammatical meaning and lexical meaning that we need to know. Not only that, we can know other aspects of meaning of a word by read this journal. It helps us to know more about terms that is in semantics. For example hyponymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, homonymy, and collocation.

d.     Result /Conclusion :
Linguistic Relativity - Part of the difficulty in connecting language to the outside world can arise from the fact that the way we view the world at some level depends on the language we use. Because we categorize the object from our experience with the help of language, it may take a case that learning about the world and learning about language is an activity that can not be separated and therefore our world is partially determined by our language.
And Semantic have more terms and kind of it for example, hyponymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, homonymy, and collocation. With all type of it have the branches too.

4.     Ratna Sari
a.      Title
“Semantic Field, Semantic Relation and Semantic Components”
By Benedict Orji Ukpabi

b.     Purpose :
      To understand about semantic field, semantic relation and semantic components. It characterised the semantic field of ‘motor vehicles’ in terms of semantic component and discussed the advantages and disadvantages in the use of field relations and components to describe the meaning of words. By using methodolody of Library study.
c.      Content :

Semantic Field
Semantic field is a set of words or lexemes related in meaning; also called lexical field, field, or field of meaning.Most often, fields are defined by subject matter, such as body parts, landforms, diseases, colours, foods, or kindship relations.
There are lexical groups or components that made up semantic field :
- Meronymy
- Sememe

Semantic Relations
Semantic relations or meaning relations are words that are semantically related to other words.
There are lexical groups or components that made up semantic relation :
1.      Synonym
2.      Antonyms
3.      Polysemy
4.      Antagonymy
5.      Homonymy
6.      Hyponymy/hypernymy

d.     Result :
·         In terms of a small set of semantic features one can show the similarities and differences between the senses of lexical items.
·          Field relations and componential analysis can account for selectional restrictions imposed upon the occurrence of lexemes more explicitly
·         Field relations and components provide a wide spectrum of meaning of a lexeme thereby providing the linguistic contextual opportunity for hedging in communication.
Field relations and semantic components of lexical items create room for ambiguity of meaning. Finding a specific meaning of a lexeme becomes difficult except on pragmatic ground where context of usage could help to deduce the meaning of a lexeme. For example, the lexeme ‘van’, how can we know what the speaker refers to; a pickup van, a caravan, wagon, army wing, or camper? Therefore meaning of a lexical item is inconsistent and might be misleading.

PROVERB : Semantic banches

I will continue the material about one of branches from SEMANTIC

That are...

Proverb (Pepatah)

You can see my Power Point of Proverb with click link in bellow

a.      Meaning of Proverb
A proverb is most often a phrase or saying that gives advice in obscure way. The phrase usually has a message behind that when first we heard may seem a little ood.

Based on expert definition

`    Mieder has proposed the definition
“a proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable form and which is  handed down from generation to generation.”

`    Miguel de Cervantes
“a proverb is a short sentence based on long experience”

b.      Role of Proverb
The most common role that a proverb plays is to educate. It is as advice in conversation, to educate people on what might happen if they do something.

The other one is to sharing a culture on many works from famous writers in the world. For  example J.R.R. Tolkien in his novel “The Hobbit” and “ The Lord of the rings”.

Not only on a novel or a books but proverbs use in drama and films. For example is Forrest Gump.

c.      Examples of Proverb

Proverbs are not always easy to translate as a literal translation might alter their meanings.  However some english proverbs do have similar meanings.

From English to Indonesian

-          “Actions speak louder than words.”
It means that  what you do is more important than what you say  or It means people can say whatever they want but actually doing something will teach more than just saying it.

-          “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
It means if we eat a fruit we can health so we should not to go to doctor
In Indonesia : Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati

-          “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”
In Indonesian : Cantik itu relatif dan tergantung dengan orang yang memandang

-          “Curiosity killed the cat.”
It means that You might be put yourself in danger if you get too much into people’s business  or  Beware of things that you are too interested to and make you too curious because sometimes it can lead you to problems

-          “Love is blind.”
It means that If you love someone,you cannot see any faults in that person

-          “Money does not grow on trees.”
It means that we must hard work to get something because money does not grow on tree.

-          “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
it means don’t take on more than you can handle.

-          “Good things come in small packages.”
It means that the happiness will come from the little thinngs
In Indonesia : Hal baik datang dalam bentuk atau jumlah yang kecil sehingga kadang kita tidak sadari

From Indonesian to English
-          “Alah bisa  karena biasa
English :  Practice makes perfect

-          “Dimana ada kemauan disitu ada jalan”
English : Where there is a will, there is a way

-          “Dikasih hati minta jantung”
English : Give him an inch and he will take a yard

-          “Rajin pangkal pandai”
English : Presevere and never fear / Dilligence is the mother of good luck

-          “Sepandai pandai tupai meloncat, akhirnya jatuh juga”
English : A good marksman may miss

-          “Berakit rakit kehulu berenang renang kemudian, bersakit sakit dahulu berenang renang kemudian”
English : No pain no gain / No risks, no rewards

-          “Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya”
English : Like father like son


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